Tribulus - testosterone booster
Tribulus terrestris is a small unobtrusive plant with yellow flowers, essentially a weed that has spread from China and Japan all over the world. Today it is even cultivated in gardens for its effects on the human body. It is recognized by Ayurveda and ancient Greek medicine. Abroad, it is known by names such as: goat's head, devil's thorn, burra gokharu, and in Ayurveda as gokshura. It has been used for centuries as a miraculous remedy for infertility, impotence, and erectile dysfunction. It is simply a testosterone booster!
Choline and Inositol
Choline and Inositol - two words you probably haven't heard before. In the world of dietary supplements, however, they are an important combination of B vitamins, which are actually not vitamins. They are substances very similar to vitamins which support liver function and lipid metabolism - that is, fat metabolism. Choline is a water-soluble vitamin analogue. It is found in lecithin, which is common in many plant and animal tissues. Choline is a precursor for the neurotransmitter (i.e., carrier) acetylcholine - which is involved in many memory and muscle functions.
There are days when even women need to find balance ...
In a natural supplement is hidden a less known plant hairy yam (Discorea villosa, Wild yam) from the family Dioscoreaceae. Let's get to know it ☺ There are more than 600 species of yam plants, the most notable species is wild yam (Dioscorea villosa). This perennial, low-maintenance vine (grape), of equatorial regions has heart-shaped leaves. The leaves and root contain diosgenin (the primary component), the root is used in medicine and in our supplements, as a concentrated extract (the highest yield), it is structurally similar to cholesterol. This substance was used to make the first contraceptive pills.
Zinc - The Fatigue Slayer
In addition to vitamins, enzymes, and various supplements, our body also needs so-called trace elements for 100% functionality. The term "trace" means that our body needs it only in small quantities. We need 10 mg of zinc daily, which is 37 times less than magnesium (375 mg). It might seem we're discussing a total non-entity. However, the opposite is true. Zinc affects more than 200 biochemical reactions in our body!