Male vitality ... to make everything work as it should!
In today's age of daily stress, it's increasingly important to supply the body with the power of nature. Male vitality is a supplement from the most effective plants. A uniquely created formula tailored to the needs of the modern man and his active lifestyle. For more energy and increased performance at work and beyond, so you can fully experience all the adventures waiting for you.
Vitamin C + Rosehip + Bioflavonoids
Designed specifically for stronger antioxidant effects, better absorption and utilization, where the main role is played by rosehip, a natural source of vitamin C. Vitamin C known as ascorbic acid is a nutrient essential for the functioning of our body. Our body cannot synthesize this essential vitamin, so it must be obtained from foods such as fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, cabbage, bell peppers, horseradish, broccoli, and tomatoes.
Histamine Control
Histamine is often perceived negatively, especially for its role in allergic reactions and intolerance. As with many things in life, black-and-white thinking is not suitable for this biogenic amine. As a neurotransmitter, it participates in many critical processes. In defending the body, for example, it supports the enlargement of blood vessels, making it easier for immune cells to access the site of inflammation. At the same time, it stimulates the production of gastric juices (essential for food processing), regulates the sleep cycle, controls appetite, and plays a role in learning, memory, and emotions. Histamine naturally occurs in the human body, and its balance is crucial for health. In the digestive system, it's broken down by the enzyme diamine oxidase. However, if histamine intake is greater than the body can break down, histamine intolerance develops. This imbalance can be caused by stress, poor lifestyle, medicines, or other factors. Excess histamine can lead to unpleasant symptoms, often resembling food allergies or digestive issues. It's essential to understand histamine as an important helper in our body.
From childhood, I remember the word "békomplex" very well and I basically never knew what it was. For younger generations, the word might recall drum&bass, as B-Complex is the stage name of Slovak DJ and producer Matúš Lenický (hit Beautiful Lies). If we are strictly scientific, then B complex is a group of vitamins B1 to B12.