Vitamin C + Rosehip + Bioflavonoids
Designed specifically for stronger antioxidant effects, better absorption and utilization, where the main role is played by rosehip, a natural source of vitamin C. Vitamin C known as ascorbic acid is a nutrient essential for the functioning of our body. Our body cannot synthesize this essential vitamin, so it must be obtained from foods such as fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, cabbage, bell peppers, horseradish, broccoli, and tomatoes.
Is iodine a necessity? ... Iodine - Kelp
Iodine is a trace element, with an interesting role in health, which we associate with the thyroid gland. It occurs naturally in the marine environment and one of the richest natural sources of iodine is kelp seaweed, also known as "Bladderwrack, Norwegian Laminaria," which has been used in traditional medicine and cuisine for centuries. Kelp can absorb large amounts of iodine directly from the ocean. The body needs iodine to produce thyroid hormones, without which much more would not work ... our metabolism would not function properly, we would have little energy, and our minds would be dull.
Omega 3, precious message of the sea
Do you long to wake up with ease in the morning, look fresher, not feel joint pain, have more energy, be able to focus, and feel better in your body? We could find the solution from fishermen who got up earlier than the sun each morning, went out to the sea, and greeted the new day with a smile. These were men who never knew the doctor, had sharp minds even in old age, their hands still firmly held the fishing nets and they lived functional longevity, often working into their 90s. The fishermen's treasure was exactly fish oil, which works similarly to a lubricant for our body: it helps the heart pump blood, keeps the mind fresh, and joints flexible, without it, the joints would be like an old creaking ship. The message that the sea gives us what we need was conveyed to future generations because some gifts of health are too precious to keep to oneself.
Surprisingly Resilient Maca - Peruvian Cress
This remarkable plant (Lepidium mayenii) from the Peruvian Andes, where it is grown at extreme altitudes (4000 m a.s.l.). It is incredibly resilient and can survive and grow in conditions where most other plant species would not survive, such as low temperatures, strong winds, and intense UV radiation. Its ability to adapt to harsh environments enriches it with nutrients and substances that positively impact the human body, enhancing resistance to both physical and mental stress.