Ashwagandha - Withania somnifera
„Ashwa“ (horse) „gandha“ (root smell), the name itself points to the plant's ability to provide strength and vitality (animal strength hidden in the root). Known by names „Indian ginseng“ (similar root shape), also „winter cherry“ (fruits resemble cherries). From the small bush with yellow flowers, mainly the root is used in traditional medicine. Given its calming effects, it's appropriately named Withania somnifera, sleepy or dreamy. The Latin name somnifera also reveals its sleep-inducing property.
Omega 3, precious message of the sea
Do you long to wake up with ease in the morning, look fresher, not feel joint pain, have more energy, be able to focus, and feel better in your body? We could find the solution from fishermen who got up earlier than the sun each morning, went out to the sea, and greeted the new day with a smile. These were men who never knew the doctor, had sharp minds even in old age, their hands still firmly held the fishing nets and they lived functional longevity, often working into their 90s. The fishermen's treasure was exactly fish oil, which works similarly to a lubricant for our body: it helps the heart pump blood, keeps the mind fresh, and joints flexible, without it, the joints would be like an old creaking ship. The message that the sea gives us what we need was conveyed to future generations because some gifts of health are too precious to keep to oneself.
There are days when even women need to find balance ...
In a natural supplement is hidden a less known plant hairy yam (Discorea villosa, Wild yam) from the family Dioscoreaceae. Let's get to know it ☺ There are more than 600 species of yam plants, the most notable species is wild yam (Dioscorea villosa). This perennial, low-maintenance vine (grape), of equatorial regions has heart-shaped leaves. The leaves and root contain diosgenin (the primary component), the root is used in medicine and in our supplements, as a concentrated extract (the highest yield), it is structurally similar to cholesterol. This substance was used to make the first contraceptive pills.
Did you catch the latest trend of nature? Choline and Inositol
Sometimes it seems at first glance that we have everything under control, but the reality is often different. "Liters" of coffee, fast food between duties, endless deadlines, constantly ringing phones. The result is fatigue, problems with concentration, forgetting even simple things, moods changing faster than the weather, and nights full of tossing and turning, as if our mind is running at a minimum. In a hectic pace, we do not realize the importance of proper nutrition. The good news is that nature can save us, in nature everything can be in harmony if we combine it from nature, it is a mysterious duo of choline and inositol.It is an ideal combination not only for the body but also for a tired mind, which is calling for help. Although many are unaware of them, choline and inositol work in every cell of our body, keeping our brain in shape, liver clean, and nerves strong. Their effects were discovered relatively recently. Why should we pay attention to these nutrients?